Sunday, July 18, 2010

Terry Acton and His 44-Pound Flathead

Thanks to Terry Acton of Show Me The Outdoors on 610 AM Sports Radio for letting me take him, his son, Troy, and his grandson, Jake, Topcatting. We had eight fish totaling 71 pounds, the largest 44 pound flathead.

Second Newspaper Article

I want to thank Joe and his two sons, London and Jace, for letting me take them Topcatting. I was smiling even bigger than the three of them when Joe pulled that 33 pound flathead into the boat. After snapping some photos we set the beast free to fight again.

Monday, July 5, 2010

Kids and Big Channelcats = Big Smiles

You will need two loaves of bread for all the fish sandwiches these boys caught. Nice Topcatting, Lucas and Aaron.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Joe, London, and Jace

Thursday, July 1, Joe and his two sons, London and Jace, took a guided Topcatfishingtackle catfishing trip. When it was done, we had boated 62 pounds of fish. Chanelcats, 3, 3, 4, 9, and 10 pounds and one 33 pound flathead. The flathead stayed to swim in the lake but the channels went home to swim in the fryer.

Jerry and Chris Topcat a Nice Channelcat

Jerry and Chris, guide service clients, tag team a sweet looking 10 pound channelcat.